The yearly cost of a mortgage, including interest, mortgage insurance, and the origination fee ( points), expressed as a percentage. 用百分比表示的抵押贷款的年成本,包括利率成本、抵押保险和融资费用(点数)。
What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralised debt obligations, endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market. 开始时,出现在次级抵押贷款上的问题,蔓延到了债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations),危及了市政及抵押担保保险公司和再保险公司,并可能危及规模数万亿美元的信贷违约掉期市场。
The Mortgage Insurance Programme has been well received by the market since its launch on March 31. 按揭保险计划自一九九九年三月三十一日推出以来,深受市场欢迎。
Also, the FHA could provide more refinancing options for riskier households if it could tailor the premiums it charges for mortgage insurance to the risk profile of the borrower. 此外,前屋宇建设可提供更多的再融资方案,为风险较高的住户,如果它可以度身订造的保费收取按揭保险风险的借款人。
Mortgage insurance providers such as radian and mgic help smooth the bumps in the market by selling protection against default. radian和mgic等抵押保险公司通过销售违约保护产品,有助于缓和市场的动荡。
The mortgage insurance programme continued to enjoy good public acceptance, despite the subdued property market environment. 虽然受到整体物业市场放缓的影响,按揭保险计划仍持续受到广大市民欢迎。
Pricing Mortgage Insurance under O-U Process 指数O-U过程下保证险的保险精算定价
See the technical note at Annex I for details of the mortgage insurance product. 按揭保险产品详细资料载于附件一的技术说明内。
For example, mortgage insurance because their home is financed and it's a requirement. 例如按揭保险,是因为他们的家园和融资的要求。
So far, 37 approved sellers have signed the master mortgage insurance policy. 截至目前为止,已有37位核准卖方签署了按揭保险总保单。
One of the hurdles of a no money down home loan is the additional cost of private mortgage insurance. 其中的一个障碍就是没有钱的额外成本下跌家私人贷款抵押保险。
A Legal Study on the Building Mortgage Insurance 住房按揭保险法律问题研究
In this paper, we research the pricing of two kinds of mortgage insurance, and discuss them under several models. 本文研究两类住房抵押贷款保证险(全额担保和部分担保)的定价问题,对两类保证险探讨了多种模型。
In this dissertation, firstly the author analyzed the necessity, concept, characteristics, nature, subject matter, insurable interest and insurable value of Ship Mortgage Insurance by the method of comparison, demonstration and history. 在本文中,笔者通过比较的方法、实证的方法、历史的方法,首先对船舶抵押权保险的重要性、含义、特征、性质、保险标的、保险利益和保险价值等基本理论问题作了分析。
The article begins with the analysis of mortgage insurance model in North America and West Europe, and then suggests on the feasibility of establishing home mortgage insurance system in China. 本文将从分析北美和西欧的抵押保险模式入手,并对中国的住宅抵押保险和担保机制提出可行性建议。
This essay discusses and compares the system, incitement mechanism and risk-control strategy of housing mortgage insurance in some typical developed countries and regions, and makes some positive experience and enlightenment for our housing mortgage insurance development. 本文对一些典型的发达国家和地区在住房抵押保险的体系、激励机制和风险控制策略方面进行了探讨和比较,并由此得到对我国住房抵押保险发展具有积极意义的经验和启示。
Pricing Research of Mortgage Insurance 住房抵押贷款保证险的定价研究
The author believes that establishing a sophisticated home mortgage insurance system is essential to avoiding those risks. 笔者认为,从制度建设入手,建立完善的住宅抵押贷款保险机制,是从根本上防范住宅金融风险的重要举措。
The overinsurance in mortgage insurance is also a subject worthy of argument in real estate insurance. 抵押贷款保险中的超额保险现象,也是不动产保险值得探讨的一个问题。
Market innovation is mainly about consummation of mortgage insurance market and establishment of secondary mortgage market. 市场创新主要涉及住房抵押贷款保险市场的完善和二级市场的开拓;
Considering that Ship Mortgage Insurance is a blank in Chinese insurance practice, the author tried to analyze the feasibility and necessity of practising this insurance in China. 鉴于船舶抵押权保险尚未在我国开展,笔者尝试着对我国引入此种保险的可行性和必要性进行分析。
By taking measures such as optimizing information transmission mechanism, perfecting mortgage insurance guarantee mechanisms, it can improve the situation of imbalance of rural financial strengthen the support to "Agriculture, Countryside, and Farmer" through two aspects-information and incentive constraints. 通过优化信息传导机制,完善抵押、保险、担保机制,加强监管等措施,从信息和激励两方面入手,可有效改善农村金融供求失衡现状,提高农村金融市场效率,加强金融对三农的支持力度。
In order to seize the personal housing mortgage loan market, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of Communications have announced the cancellation that the individuals must purchase mortgage insurance. 为了抢占个人住房抵押贷款市场,中国建设银行、中国工商银行和交通银行已宣布取消了个人住房抵押贷款必须购买保险的规定。
Governmental mortgage insurance is an indirect governmental intervention and an important means of regulation the housing market. It is essentially a governmental housing security policies and measures for low-income people. 政府为住房抵押贷款提供担保是政府对住房市场进行间接干预和调节的重要手段,其实质是政府为中低收入者提供的一种住房保障政策和措施。
Focused mainly on three issues: the problems of early repayment, the status of litigation of developers and banks in the mortgage disputes, as well as the problems about mortgage insurance. 主要围绕三个问题展开:按揭过程中的提前还贷问题、按揭纠纷中开发商和银行的诉讼地位问题以及按揭保险的相关问题。
By the banks should be the first insurance to the identity of the person involved in insurance law, and called mortgage on futures house mortgage insurance system should actively learn from foreign experience of developed countries, expand the scope of liability insurance. 提出了银行应该以第一被保险人的身份参与保险法律关系,并主张期房按揭贷款保险制度应积极借鉴国外发达国家经验,拓展保险责任范围。
Compared with the insurance risk which is objective, can be predicted of its probability and statistics, the risk of mortgage insurance is a credit risk, the specificity of which occurrence mechanism is highly subjective and uncertainties. 与一般保险业所经营的客观的、可通过概率统计进行预测的风险相比,住房置业担保经营的是信用风险,其发生机制具有很强的主观性和不确定性。
Mortgage insurance is essentially a possible government subsidy. When the borrowers default, government shall be responsible for its security commitments and actual expenditure will eventually occur. 住房置业担保实质上是政府提供的一种或有补贴,当借款人违约时,政府最终须为其承担的担保责任而发生实际支出。
At present, our mortgage insurance is mainly housing mortgage compositive insurance, including Housing property insurance and Mortgage gurantee insurance. 目前住房按揭贷款保险主要指的是住房按揭贷款综合保险,既包括房屋财产险又包括抵押保证保险。